19 New Products
A Mercedes-Benz brand presented a series of especially economy and ecofriendly cars equipped with intellectual management engineering on the 62nd international motor show. As Mercedes-Benz thinks the future of motor-car construction is embodied in 19 new products starting with eight models with BLUETEC engines, seven cars with a hybrid drive in five model series, continuing with seven cars – record-breakers in СО2 emission and ending with a pilot F 700 concept car. Dr. Dieter Zetsche, DaimlerChrysler AG President of the Board, said, “Each of 19 models demonstrates an ability of the company-inventor of the first car to remain a car trend setter in the future too. We intend to apply only highly ecofriendly process solutions which we have united and called as 'TrueBlueSolutions' to accelerate our future without emission.”
A production strategy developed by Mercedes-Benz includes several modules and is an intelligent energy management in every essential car component whether they are optimized combustion engines or custom-made hybrid drives which can be used individually and in combination depending on the motor class, its application and customer requirements. Dr. Zetsche went on, “Every our new product is marked by combining a design, pleasure from driving and safety, dynamism and ecological properties. In Mercedes-Benz, we believe that the said characteristics can coexist simultaneously, and we embody them in our lineup.” In addition, Mercedes-Benz has announced that in 2010 a B-class F-Cell model with a fuel cell of a new generation will be produced in series.
F 700: Learning from the Future
Dr. Thomas Weber, DaimlerChrysler AG Board Council member, who is in charge of R&D, explained, “Our new experimental car gives evidence to the possibility to combine the safety, comfort and efficiency of engineering characteristics with a maximum low fuel consumption and emission.” Fuel consumption of a model F 700 equipped with DIESOTTO innovation engine and hybrid drive is only 5.3 liters per 100 km with an emission level of СО2 equal to 127 g/km. The emission value of F 700 is comparable to the level of the similar figure of present-day diesel engine cars. The F 700 record-breaking low level of fuel consumption is really unique. This is the lowest figure measured for a large sedan during the all history of motor-car construction. Making comments on F 700 experimental model Dr. Weber also said, “We have a unique opportunity to learn from the future using F 700 as an example. We have already managed to apply some of our inventions in serial production.”
S 300 BLUETEC HYBRID: Most Ecofriendly and Economical Premium Class Sedan in the World
Being the first car in the world integrating the BLUETEC system and hybrid technologies, S 300 BLUETEC HYBRID is the most efficient and ecofriendly premium-class car among all ever made. The total power of its four-cylinder engine and hybrid module makes 165 kW/224 hp, and its maximum drive torque reaches 560 Nm. This is comparable to the similar figure of an eight-cylinder gasoline engine.
The premium-class sedan combines perfection of technical characteristics with an exceptionally low level of fuel consumption for its segment: only 5.4 liters of diesel fuel per 100 km, the emission level of СО2 makes 142 g/km. This figure of new S 300 BLUETEC HYBRID is lower the today’s record of СО2 emission in S-class segment at 57 g/km or 30%. Mercedes-Benz models presented on the 62nd motor show in Frankfurt exhibit the lowest level of fuel consumption and emission in the world. The S 300 BLUETEC HYBRID is capable to meet the strictest emission requirements, European EU6 and American BIN5.
BLUETEC and Hybrid Drive also for Mercedes Sport-Utility Vehicles and Е and С Class Cars
Following the successful coming of the world's first passenger automobile equipped with BLUETEC - E 320 BLUETEC into the American market, now the technologies backing the most ecofriendly diesel engine in the world come to Europe. Within the current motor show in Frankfurt, Mercedes-Benz announced on the E 320 BLUETEC entering the European market in 2007. This car is one of the most environmentally sound (by EU5 standards) and economical one in a business-class. In 2008, a line of cars equipped with 320 BLUETEC will be complemented with R-, ML- and GL-class cars, the first in the world sport-utility vehicles capable to meet the strictest limitations of emission standards: an American BIN-5 standard valid on the territories of all 50 states and European EU6 standard which has not yet been approved.
Also Mercedes-Benz presented the ML 450 HYBRID with the most economical gasoline hybrid engine among sport-utility vehicles, the model is planned to enter the market in 2009. The innovation hybrid drive can operate in two modes including that with a full electrical control conversion and meets the severest comfort requirements. ML 450 HYBRID consumes 7.7 liters per 100 km., meanwhile, the hybrid system power reaches 250 kW/340 hp, СО2 emission makes 185 g/km.
Worldwide Opening Night of a New С Class with a Station Wagon
One more Mercedes-Benz’s novelty on the 62nd motor show in Frankfurt is a new С-class with a station wagon. The high level of functionality of this car is complemented by an elegant design, comfort and maneuverability, which is a specific distinction of the Mercedes-Benz brand. Dr. Claus Maier, Executive Vice-President of the Mercedes Car Group, responsible for sales and marketing commented as follows: “For me, a new С-class is the most complete embodiment of a style, multifunctionality and elegance.” When a new station wagon comes into the market in the beginning of December customers will enjoy a choice among eight four-and six-cylinder engines. Among other things, the enhanced four-cylinder engine with the increased cubic capacity is characterized by its capability to consume less fuel at high capacity. For example, 18% of a drive torque increase in a new С 220 CDI (at 60 Nm) decreases the engine speed as well as the fuel consumed. As a result, a four-cylinder engine consumes only 6.1 liters of fuel per 100 km. The consumption figure has been decreased by 0.7 liter as compared with the previous model. It must be taken into account that the capacity has increased by 13%, i.e. from 110 kW/150 hp per 125 kW/170 hp. The formula as “low fuel consumption combined with even easier car handling” can be also successfully applied to the models equipped with gasoline engines. New C 180 KOMPRESSOR of 115 kW/156 hp in capacity consumes 0.7 liter per 100 km less than the previous model having the greater number of horse power (+14).
On the motor show in Frankfurt, the Mercedes Car Group also presented a hybrid solution for a smart model. A smart fortwo mhd (mhd means a microhybrid engine) model of an economical three-cylinder gasoline engine will enter the market in October 2007. Researches performed for a smart fortwo mhd model carried out on the present-day smart fortwo cdi model breaking a record in СО2 emission (88 g/km) have resulted in a progressive decrease of CO2 emission up to 78 g/km owing to the start/stop function of an experimental microhybrid engine.