On Saturday, September 8 the “Mercedes-Benz Day in the German Embassy” event took place on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany Embassy in Russia. At the invitation of DaimlerChrysler Automotive Russia SAO more then 250 representatives of diplomatic missions accompanied by their members of the family and children visited that event. The Mercedes-Benz Day was willingly supported by the German Embassy in Russia.
The Mercedes-Benz Day is a family holiday in the open air, with a grill, live music, radio-controlled car races, specially equipped a children’s corner, coffee bar and, of course, test drives within which the Mercedes-Benz brand presented the latest tendencies of an automotive design and scientific and technical achievements to the international diplomatic community.
During the test drives the guests could test a new C-class Mercedes-Benz, renewed E-class version and S-class, the leader of the Mercedes-Benz line. The lineup presented to diplomatic community included also R- and M-classes.
Employees of the embassies and their escort could visit that event with diplomatic passports. The success of the Mercedes-Benz Day convinced the intention of initiators to make this holiday a traditional annual event.
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